
Showing posts from June, 2017

Why This Winter is the Best Time for That Interior Painting Job

We often associate painting as a task for the warm weather. And if you’re doing an exterior paint job, you may have to wait for it to be a little warmer, depending on what you want to do and what paint you’re using. But if you’ve got an interior paint job, this winter is the perfect time to get it done. Why? For these reasons. You Can Get A Great Deal The winter is traditionally a slow time for painting contractors. As a rule, they’ll have a busy summer, but just like the story of the ant and the grasshopper, they’ve got to put away a nut to get through the leaner winter months. As a result, if you’re looking for a deal, painting contractors are likely to give you a much better bid for an interior painting job than you’d get during the busy, overbooked summer when everyone’s trying to get their exterior painting work done. You Can Get It Done Faster Exterior painting jobs, summer or winter, have a clock that starts when the sun comes up and that runs out when the sun goes do